The Magic of the Brazilian Savanna: The Natural Kingdom and Its Mysteries

In the heart of Brazil, the Brazilian Savanna pulses as one of the richest biomes in the world. Let’s explore the secrets of this land: plants adapted to drought, animals that dominate the savannas, and a mystical universe rooted in legends and ancestral practices that honor the strength of this unique nature.

It is known for its impressive biodiversity and ecological importance. Stretching across approximately 2 million square kilometers, it spans 11 Brazilian states, including the Federal District, and is considered the second-largest vegetation formation in South America, second only to the Amazon.

This geographical variety classifies the Brazilian Savanna as one of the most biodiverse savannas in the world. About 12,000 native plant species are found here, many of them endemic, meaning they only exist in this region.

The vegetation, adapted to the seasonal tropical climate, is resistant to fire and drought, with twisted-trunk trees, thick leaves, and deep roots that allow access to underground water. We can cite the Ipê, which blooms during the dry season, and the pequi, a traditional fruit rich in beneficial oils, as great examples.

In terms of fauna, the Brazilian Savanna is home to iconic and endangered species, such as the maned wolf, a long-legged canid with a varied diet that includes fruits, and the giant anteater, which uses its powerful claws to feed on termites and ants. The biome is also home to the rare giant armadillo, the largest armadillo in the world, whose burrowing helps maintain the ecosystem.

The region is also home to an impressive diversity of birds, with over 800 species cataloged. Among them is the caracara, a bird of prey known for its adaptability and opportunistic habits, often seen patrolling open fields in search of prey.


A key player in Brazil’s water cycle, the biome harbors the sources of three of South America’s largest river basins: the São Francisco, Paraná-Paraguay, and Tocantins-Araguaia, earning it the title of “cradle of waters.” This vital function not only guarantees water supply to millions of people but also supports local biodiversity, playing a crucial role in conserving water resources and regulating the global climate.

Drone view of the Araguaia River on the border of the states of Mato Grosso and Goiás © Andre Dib

The Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, created in 1961, it is one of the main environmental conservation projects in the Brazilian Savanna. The area protects more than 240,000 hectares of natural ecosystems and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to promoting the preservation of fauna and flora, the park also offers ecotourism activities, such as trails, waterfalls, and wildlife observation. Sustainable tourism is one of the main sources of income for local communities, and tour guides are often trained to promote environmental conservation.

Chapada dos Veadeiros is located in one of the oldest terrains on Earth, with rocks dating back up to 1.8 billion years. The region is especially rich in quartz crystals, which formed through geological processes over millions of years. This quartz was once economically exploited, but today it plays a more important role in ecotourism and spiritual practices.

Many visitors report feeling a unique “vibration” when walking through the valleys and trails of Chapada, and it is common to find groups traveling there specifically to explore this energetic and mystical aspect.

Some local legends reinforce the mysticism of the region, such as the story that the quartz crystals are linked to ancient civilizations and that they are fragments of lost wisdom, guardians of the land and its secrets. There is a belief that the energy of the crystals could be used to heal the land and waters of Chapada, acting as a source of ecological balance.

The population of the Brazilian Savanna is made up of traditional communities that maintain a strong connection with the land and their ancestral practices. Among these communities are family farmers, quilombolas* (Afro-Brazilian communities), geraizeiros (small-scale farmers), babassu nut breakers, and indigenous peoples, all with a deep respect for the environment and a strong sense of community.

The Brazilian Savanna is home to 216 indigenous lands (ILs), representing 83 different ethnic groups. Although this diversity is impressive, most of these lands have not yet undergone land regularization processes.

Among the ethnic groups inhabiting the Brazilian Savanna, the Xavante, Krahô, Karajá, and Awá stand out, peoples who maintain their traditions, including sustainable agricultural practices and an intimate relationship with the local biodiversity.

In Brazil, there are around 1,700 quilombola* communities certified by the Palmares Foundation, with approximately 200 of these communities having had their lands titled by 2012, according to INCRA (National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform).

*the word “quilombola” is used to refer to descendants of African slaves who formed independent communities (known as quilombos).

The Kalunga Community, located in the region, is one of the largest quilombola* communities in Brazil. In addition to their rich cultural heritage, the Kalunga also participate in projects for the preservation and sustainable management of the Brazilian Savanna, promoting the conscious use of natural resources through traditional agriculture and community-based ecotourism. The community offers tourism experiences that connect visitors with nature, local culture, and conservation practices.

Did you get a sense of the magnitude of this biome that shelters us? The journey through the Brazilian Savanna is more than just a visit; it’s a transformative experience that reminds us of the wealth nature offers and the responsibility we have to care for this precious heritage.

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